Do you have good intentions to read articles you’ve clipped and countless magazines? And then don’t do it?

What are your beliefs about reading articles and magazines ?  “I need to stay on top of the latest trends.” or “I don’t want to miss an important tip that could dramatically change my life!” or “I paid for these magazines, I don’t want to waste them.”  “Someone thought of me enough to mail me this article, I should read it.”  Examine these beliefs and decide whether these beliefs still suit you. Do you need new beliefs?

You can choose how you spend your time.  If reading articles and magazines is important to you then schedule time in your calendar right now to do it. If more pressing issues and commitments are at the forefront of your mind than reading, then try reframing your beliefs as suggested below.

Create new beliefs by reframing:

Shift this belief: “I need to stay on top of the latest trends.” to perhaps “I am on top of the trends enough.” “Being on top of the latest trends is no longer important to me.”

Shift this belief:”I don’t want to miss an important tip that could dramatically change my life!” to something like “Tips that I need will make their way to me when needed.” or “I can always google search new tips!”

Guilt sets in with this belief- “I paid for these magazines, I don’t want to waste them.” Give yourself a second chance and schedule reading time this month and if you don’t do it, cancel the subscription and donate the magazines to the local shelter.”

“Someone thought of me enough to mail me this article, I should read it.” Look at the article as a gift. It is yours now. You can do what you please, so honor the thought and recycle or toss what you decide to make time for. A new belief may be: “When people send me articles, it shows me they are thinking of me, what I do next is my choice.”

You determine how and what you’ll spend time doing.  Let go of high expectations of yourself, old beliefs that no longer serve you, and unnecessary stress.  You will strengthen your sense of self when you take a minute to reframe your thinking and shift to a path that makes more sense to the person you are now.