Keys To Minimalism

Being A Minimalist

The desire to work toward being a minimalist is a byproduct of being a Professional Organizer. Daily, I witness how “too much stuff,” “inherited stuff,” and “over acquiring” causes stress for my clients. I come home each day and want to let go of the excess in our home.

Key points from listening to Joshua & Ryan of The Minimalists at our NAPO Conference:

  • Our memories are not in our things.
  • By having less sentimental items, you can enjoy them more
    (rather than “watering down” the sentimentality by having 100’s of them).
  • Consumption isn’t the problem. Compulsory consumption is the problem.
    Sitting in an empty house without your “pacifiers” is no good.
  • Does X bring me joy and serve a purpose? Don’t just trash your stuff, ask
    yourself this question.
  • Think about your passions and relationships, “living for stuff” is not really living.

Want to work toward a minimalist lifestyle? Try to let go of one thing a day for 30 days and see what happens! I’m in, are you? “Love people and use things—the opposite never works.”